I think plastic chairs must be the most common piece of furniture in the country.
Dominicaners never throw them away. They would make our grandparents proud who used to say "Use it up, wear it out, Make it do, or do without."
So many things in the DR seem to reflect this old-fashioned couplet as demonstrated here by this tree giving leg-up stability to an otherwise useless three-legged, one armed chair.
Look like fun? This fine example of a people mover is found in nearby Mirador Park. We often see people sitting inside, but the train never moves. It's a good way to save on fuel--and to avoid expensive tire repair expenses!
A common experience on Santo Domingo roads
is sharing it with other types of transportation. Two wheeled carts pulled by skinny tired horses haul produce to some wide spot on the road where the guys set up shop to sell their produce. Maybe I should follow the example of this horse and wear paper plate blinders so I don't get so nervous in this crazy traffic!